St Giles Church - Natural History

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203 species in this search part of name
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WebEnglish nameScientific nameStatusLife form 
Alkanet, Green  Pentaglottis sempervirens Introduced Herb
Apple  Malus pumila Native Tree
Ash  Fraxinus excelsior Native Tree
Avens, Wood  Geum urbanum Native Herb
Bay  Laurus nobilis Introduced Tree
Bedstraw, Hedge  Galium album Native Herb
Bedstraw, Lady's  Galium verum Native Herb
Bee, Honey  Apis mellifera Native Insect
Bellflower, Trailing  Campanula poscharskyana Introduced Herb
Bent, Common  Agrostis capillaris Native Grass
Bindweed , Large  Calystegia silvatica Native Herb
Bindweed, Field  Convolvulus arvensis Native Herb
Bindweed, Hedge  Calystegia sepium Native Herb
Bindweed, Large  Calystegia silvatica Native Herb
Bird's-foot-trefoil, Common  Lotus corniculatus Native Herb
Bitter-cress, Hairy  Cardamine hirsuta Native Herb
Bittersweet  Solanum dulcamara Native Herb
Blue, Holly  Celastrina argiolus Native Butterfly
Bluebell  Hyacinthoides non-scripta Native Herb
Bluebell, Hybrid  Hyacinthoides x massartiana Introduced Herb
Bluebell, Spanish  Hyacinthoides hispanica Introduced Herb
Bracken  Pteridium aquilinum Native Herb
Bramble  Rubus fruticosus agg. Native Herb
Brimstone  Gonepteryx rhamni Native Butterfly
Brome, Barren  Anisantha sterilis Native Grass
Brome, Smooth  Bromus racemosus Native Grass
Brown, Meadow  Maniola jurtina Native Butterfly
Bryony, Black  Dioscorea communis Native Herb
Bryony, White  Bryonia dioica Undefined Undefined
Bugle  Ajuga reptans Native Herb
Bugle, Garden  Ajuga reptans Native Herb
Bugloss  Anchusa officinalis Introduced Herb
Burdock, Greater  Arctium lappa Native Herb
Bush-cricket, Roesel's  Metrioptera roeselii Native Cricket
Buttercup, Bulbous  Ranunculus bulbosus Native Herb
Buttercup, Creeping  Ranunculus repens Native Herb
Butterfly-bush  Buddleja davidii Introduced Tree
Cat's-ear  Hypochaeris radicata Native Herb
Celandine, Greater  Chelidonium majus Native Herb
Celandine, Lesser  Ranunculus ficaria Native Herb
Celandine, Lesser  Ficaria verna Undefined Undefined
Cinquefoil,Creeping  Potentilla reptans Native Herb
Cleavers  Galium aparine Native Herb
Clover, Red  Trifolium pratense Native Herb
Clover, White  Trifolium repens Native Herb
Cock's-foot  Dactylis glomerata Native Herb
Columbine  Aquilegia vulgaris Undefined Undefined
Cornflower, Perennial  Centaurea montana Introduced Herb
Cornsalad, Common  Valerianella locusta Native Herb
Cornsalad, Keeled-fruited  Valerianella carinata Native Herb
Cotoneaster, Wall  Cotoneaster horizontalis Native Herb
Cowslip  Primula veris Native Herb
Cranesbill, Cut-leaved  Geranium dissectum Native Herb
Creeping-Jenny  Lysimachia nummularia Native Herb
Crosswort  Cruciata laevipes Native Herb
Currant, Flowering  Ribes sanguineum Introduced Shrub
Daffodil, Cultivated  Narcissus agg Introduced Herb
Daisy  Bellis perennis Native Herb
Daisy, Oxeye  Leucanthemum vulgare Native Herb
Dandelion  Taraxacum officinale agg. Native Herb
Dead-nettle, White  Lamium album Native Herb
Dock, Broad-leaved  Rumex obtusifolius Native Herb
Dock, Curled  Rumex crispus Undefined Undefined
Dock, Wood  Rumex sanguineus Native Herb
Dog-violet, Common  Viola riviniana Native Herb
Dog-violet, Early  Viola reichenbachiana Native Herb
Dogwood  Cornus sanguinea Native Shrub
Elder  Sambucus nigra Native Tree
Elm  Ulmus procera Native Tree
Elm, English  Ulmus procera Native Tree
Enchanter's-nightshade  Circaea lutetiana Undefined Undefined
False-brome  Brachypodium sylvaticum Native Grass
Fescue, Rat's-tail  Vulpia myuros Native Herb
Fescue, Red  Festuca rubra Native Herb
Fescue, Tall  Schedonorus arundinaceus Native Grass
Field-rose  Rosa arvensis Native Herb
Field-speedwell, Common  Veronica persica Native Herb
Fleabane, Mexican  Erigeron karvinskianus Introduced Herb
Flower, Cuckoo  Cardamine pratensis Native Herb
Forget-me-not, Field  Myosotis arvensis Native Herb
Forget-me-not, Wood  Myosotis sylvatica Native Herb
Foxglove  Digitalis purpurea Native Herb
Fringecups  Tellima grandiflora Introduced Herb
Garlic, Three-cornered  Allium triquetrum Introduced Herb
Ground-elder  Aegopodium podagraria Introduced Herb
Ground-ivy  Glechoma hederacea Native Herb
Groundsel  Senecio vulgaris Native Undefined
Guelder-rose  Viburnum opulus Native Shrub
Harebell  Campanula rotundifolia Native Herb
Hart's-tongue  Asplenium scolopendrium Native Fern
Hart's-tongue  Phyllitis scolopendrium Native Fern
Hawkbit, Rough  Leontodon hispidus Native Herb
Hawk's-beard, Smooth  Crepis capillaris Native Herb
Hawthorn  Crataegus monogyna Native Herb
Hawthorn  Crataegus monogyna Native Herb
Hazel  Corylus avellana Native Tree
Hemp-agrimony  Eupatorium cannabinum Native Herb
Herb-Robert  Geranium robertianum Native Herb
Hogweed  Heracleum sphondylium Native Herb
Holly  Ilex aquifolium Native Herb
Honesty  Lunaria annua Introduced Herb
Honeysuckle  Lonicera periclymenum Undefined Undefined
Honeysuckle, Shrub  Lonicera nitida Introduced Shrub
Hop  Humulus lupulus Native Herb
Iris, Stinking  Iris foetidissima Native Herb
Ivy  Hedera helix Native Herb
Ivy, Common  Hedera helix Native Herb
Knapweed, Common  Centaurea nigra Native Herb
Lady's-mantle  Alchemilla mollis Introduced Herb
Laurel, Cherry  Prunus laurocerasus Introduced Tree
Lettuce, Wall  Mycelis muralis Native Herb
Lime, Hybrid  Tilia x europaea Native Tree
Lords-and-Ladies  Arum maculatum Native Herb
Lungwort  Pulmonaria officinalis Introduced Herb
Male-fern  Dryopteris filix-mas Native Fern
Maple, Field  Acer campestre Native Tree
Maple, Norway  Acer platanoides Introduced Herb
Meadow-grass, Annual  Poa annua Native Grass
Meadow-grass, Rough  Poa trivialis Native Herb
Medick, Black  Medicago lupulina Native Herb
Mercury, Dog's  Mercurialis perennis Native Herb
Mistletoe  Viscum album Native Herb
Mouse-ear, Common  Cerastium fontanum Native Herb
Mouse-ear-hawkweed  Pilosella officinarum Native Herb
Mustard, Garlic  Alliaria petiolata Native Herb
Nettle, Common  Urtica dioica Native Herb
Nipplewort  Lapsana communis Native Herb
Oat-Grass, False  Arrhenatherum elatius Native Grass
Oat-grass, Yellow  Trisetum flavescens Native Grass
Orange-star  Caloplaca flavescens Native Lichen
Orange-tip  Anthocharis cardamines Native Butterfly
Orchid, Pyramidal  Anacamptis pyramidalis Native Herb
Oxlip, False  Primula vulgaris x veris = P. x polyantha Native Herb
Parsley, Cow  Anthriscus sylvestris Native Herb
Plantain, Greater  Plantago major Native Herb
Plantain, Ribwort  Plantago lanceolata Native Herb
Polypody, Common  Polypodium vulgare Native Fern
Primrose  Primula species Introduced Herb
Primrose  Primula vulgaris Native Herb
Privet, Garden  Ligustrum ovalifolium Introduced Shrub
Privet, Wild  Ligustrum vulgare Undefined Undefined
Ragwort, Common  Senecio jacobaea Native Herb
Red-cedar, Western  Thuja plicata Introduced Tree
Robin  Erithacus rubecula Native Bird
Rye-grass, Perennial  Lolium perenne Native Grass
Sanicle  Sanicula europaea Native Herb
Sedge, Glaucous  Carex flacca Undefined Undefined
Sedge, Grey  Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa Native Herb
Sedge, Pendulous  Carex pendula Native Herb
Sedge, Spiked  Carex spicata Undefined Undefined
Selfheal  Prunella vulgaris Native Herb
Sheep's-fescue  Festuca ovina Native Herb
Slow-worm  Anguis fragilis Native Reptile
Snowdrop  Galanthus nivalis Introduced Herb
Snowflake, Spring  Leucojum vernum Introduced Herb
Soft-brome, Common  Bromus hordeaceus Native Grass
Sorrel, Common  Rumex acetosa Native Herb
Sowbread  Cyclamen hederifolium Introduced Herb
Sowbread  Cyclamen hederifolium Introduced Herb
Sow-thistle, Prickly  Sonchus asper Native Herb
Sow-thistle, Smooth  Sonchus oleraceus Native Herb
Speedwell, Germander  Veronica chamaedrys Native Herb
Speedwell, Ivy-leaved  Veronica hederifolia Native Herb
Speedwell, Slender  Veronica filiformis Native Herb
Speedwell, Thyme-leaved  Veronica serpyllifolia Native Herb
Spleenwort, Black  Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Native Fern
Spleenwort, Maidenhair  Asplenium trichomanes Native Herb
Spurge, Caper  Euphorbia lathyris Introduced Herb
Spurge, Petty  Euphorbia peplus Native Herb
St George's Mushroom  Calocybe gambosum Native Fungus
St John's-wort, Hairy  Hypericum hirsutum Undefined Undefined
Strawberry, Barren  Potentilla sterilis Native Herb
Strawberry, Wild  Fragaria vesca Native Herb
Sumach, Stag's-horn  Rhus typhina Introduced Herb
Sycamore  Acer pseudoplatanus Introduced Herb
Thistle, Creeping  Cirsium arvense Undefined Undefined
Thistle, Welted  Carduus crispus Native Herb
Toadflax, Ivy-leaved  Cymbalaria muralis Introduced Herb
Traveller's-joy  Clematis vitalba Native Herb
Trefoil, Lesser  Trifolium dubium Native Herb
Tutsan  Hypericum androsaemum Native Herb
Twayblade  Neottia ovata Native Herb
Undefined  Undefined Undefined Undefined
Valerian, Red  Centranthus ruber Introduced Herb
Vernal-grass, Sweet  Anthoxanthum odoratum Native Herb
Vetch, Bush  Vicia sepium Native Herb
Vetch, Common  Vicia sativa Native Herb
Vetchling, Meadow  Lathyrus pratensis Native Herb
Violet, Sweet  Viola odorata Native Herb
Wall-rue  Asplenium ruta-muraria Native Fern
White, Green-veined  Pieris napi Native Butterfly
Willowherb, Broad-leaved  Epilobium montanum Native Herb
Willowherb, Great  Epilobium hirsutum Native Herb
Willowherb, Hoary  Epilobium parviflorum Native Herb
Willowherb, Short-fruited  Epilobium obscurum Native Herb
Woodpecker, Green  Picus viridis Native Bird
Wood-rush, Field  Luzula campestris Native Herb
Wood-sedge  Carex sylvatica Undefined Undefined
Woundwort, Hedge  Stachys sylvatica Native Herb
Yarrow  Achillea millefolium Native Herb
Yellow-archangel, Garden  Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum Invasive Alien Herb
Yew  Taxus baccata Native Tree
Yorkshire-fog  Holcus lanatus Native Grass